Monday, October 15, 2007

Is It John Paul II, Johnny Storm or Just Bad Room Service?

Vatican TV has reported capturing a video image which (it says) so closely resembles the outline of earlier photos of the late John Paul II that it just MUST be him and not, say, the Jack in the Box clown.

The photo shows a flame leaping up from (apparently) the floor in the shape of a man standing upright but leaning over. The fiery silhouette slims at the middle and fans upward toward the left of the onlooker as though raising a hand to wave to a ghostly audience.

Here is the photographic comparison offered by the Vatican supporters of this theory.

The biblical take: This is not John Paul II, because when man dies, his spirit returns to God who gave it (according to Solomon), and is judged, being either sent to heaven or else hell (a fiery place described repeatedly in the Bible as one of outer darkness and torturous flame). No third option exists in the Bible, although it does acknowledge impersonating spirits, fallen angels, which can and do seize upon the superstitiously gullible --

Like the people advocating that this is John Paul II when it could not be -- according to the Bible these people say they follow.

This was supposed to happen in the case of the Witch of Endor, whom Saul urged to conjure up the prophet Samuel (1 Sam. 28). God intervened, however, miraculously sending the REAL Samuel to intercept the familial spirit from doing his impersonation act. This shocked the witch out of her britches. She learned that conjuring demons is scary enough, and trying to conjure the spirits of the prophets of a sovereign God is downright risky.

If any spirit is involved in this photo's dramatic flame, then we can safely say, it is not one on the side of the prophets or of their God (The Lord Jesus). So they may in fact be half right. One should have nothing whatever to do with vain superstitions or spirits doing impersonations in either case. This is infernal business with which God's people are to have nothing to do whatever.

Besides, I liked the "holy burrito" better. And then there was the grilled cheese sandwich with the face of "Mary." Does anyone really believe heaven is some kind of freak show that panders to this blithering nonsense?

Any so-called "god" who would presume to send us a grilled cheese sandwich for a sign -- without ham and mayo -- or at least a Subway lunch special (two for one would be best) - is not worthy of the title "deity of all things culinary." Maybe this "fire" was supposed to help someone finish grilling that cheese sandwich, or better cook the burrito.

What kind of dime-store demonic room service is this?

This makes me wonder if the next "sign" will be a floating coke and a bag of chips.

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