Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Pluralism of Rome and And Her Poorly-Informed Priests

From Chuck Shephard's quasi-famous "News of the Weird" page today, we have an interesting piece along the world religions thema. A Romanist priest in the Netherlands is -- believe it or not -- currently advocating that the flock refer to God as "Allah" as a way to help relieve world tensions. Martinus Muskens protests that God doesn't really care what we call Him, and that it "is our problem."

Yes, God care so little about his good Name that He moved upon Moses to write:

"You shall not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who taketh His Name in vain."

God has specific attributes, titles, and names given in the Word of God, which He expects men to use only with the greatest care, and according to the specific obligations laid down in the canon of the Holy Scripture. This Dutch priest is, to put it mildly, badly mistaken. And, since those who presume to teach acquire with that office double-judgment, I can safely say this man would have been better off doing the work of an engineer, working on maintaining the safety of those crazy aqueducts that need adjusting from time to time in the Netherlands.

Today's lesson in world religions: Do not call God "Allah," since that is not His Name. Instead, call Him what HE wishes to be called. This is a common courtesy we even extend to each other. How much more the Judge of all men?

Want to read more of Chuck's interesting news? The second article from the top is a must read.

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